...unless I want to just give my sixty ringitt away! Hopefully my wife's car crash today is not an ominous sign of things to come in the run!!
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I had to go to the gym today because I've got a full working day tomorrow. I was going to go for my long 2 hour run but decided against it after my heavy legs due to yesterday's match. A day of rest tomorrow and I'll do it on Wednesday - honest!
Warm up: 5mins of slow jogging
Circuit of all the following x3
Walking: 1 minute
Speed 11: 1 minute
Speed 15: 3 minutes
Speed 11: 1 minute
Walking: 1 minute
Chest press, biceps curl, back pull down (?) and triceps pull down.
Dez: I am SO cheering you from the sidelines. I am too chicken for marathons - had bad experience in school runs (those are so easy at 5km but still I panted like a pig) so I am so not trying to kill myself or my legs. But I am taking Starwalk this year again. I know. What is Starwalk compared to this? But hey, I never said I was a pro. I am just a beginner. But hey, I cheer you onwards!