Wednesday 14 October 2009

Treadmill Run AND Match

Time: 3pm - 4.30pm

Total Time Taken: 90mins
Distance: 15km
Speed: 11/13 for 6 mins, 7.2 for 1 min

Decided to try this method as described by Jeff Galloway in his book 'Marathon.' The walk/break idea seemed worth a try mainly because the thought of jogging continuously for 42km is murderous - especially after my memory of how my legs felt after the half marathon! It sounded a bit sissy at first but I need to use my head as heart can only get so far over such a vast distance.

I would have run for longer if I hadn't had to open the door for my locked out wife and for the fact that I actually had a football match to go to!

Played for PSC Wednesday vs Uplands/P.I.S.S.
Score: Lost 3-4

Played: Centre half for full match (about the only time I was glad to play there too!)

Generally felt alright as I could still make overlapping runs to the other half. Hamstrings did feel tight but that was to be expected after such extensive exercise earlier in the day. I did misplace a pass in the 2nd half that allowed the opponents to score their third goal though - a BAD mistake!

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